The Teenager’s Guide to the Stock Market: Start Building Wealth Now

Late WisdomClick Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: $37.25 Free Shipping
You don’t have to be brilliant to make money investing in the stock market, but you do have to know what you are doing. That’s why, at age 75, I decided to write this book — to pass on to you the knowledge I wish someone had given me 60 years ago.
This book is not one of those get-rich-quick books that populates the bookshelves, but rather something of real value — a fact-based, comprehensive, easy-to-read guide about commons stocks, the stock market, and alternative investment strategies that is organized in such a way that you can go into as much depth as desired. With the mystery cleared away and, with the knowledge gained, you should be able to make your own investment decisions, based on your own personality and risk-tolerance.
You will learn why now, in your youth, is the best time to start building serious wealth; The risks and rewards of investing in common stocks; The pros and cons of active, passive, and factor-based investing; The pros and cons of investing in mutual funds and exchange traded funds; The ways to avoid market timing; The strategies used by investment managers to time the market; The role emotions play in investing; The role demographics, productivity, and the government play in long-term investing; How active, passive, and factor-based investment managers go about their business; and so much more.
It’s all here and it’s a must read for teenagers, young adults, and anyone else who wants to invest in common stocks.

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 37.25
Originally posted 2019-12-15 00:42:37. Republished by Blog Post Promoter