TRADING FOR BEGINNERS: The beginner’s guide to trading on the stocks market, increasing wealth by investing with method, discipline, strategy, … (Trading and Investing) (Italian Edition)

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Do you want to learn how to do the Trading and Investment on Financial Markets?
Do you want to stop groping in the dark without knowing what are the Fundamental Elements to Be Successful in this activity?
Times have changed, now we no longer live in the era when the money could safely be left in the bank account until the later this year to collect the interest. No, today this is not possible!
To combat this problem we must invest, but who want to invest your money for you earn on your money and it is not necessarily all that much interested in to earn you, in most cases the financial products that are offered to you by so-called experts will make earn you a pittance, make your capital bound in time.
In short, the market profits that should be your will become of someone else, who offers you his products. To solve this problem you have no choice, you have to learn what are the financial markets and how they move!
Learn today how it invests in the stock market, in order to define your Operating Plan and Get a Profit. The operations will be carried out for short or for extended periods of time, with the best strategies used by most World Traders.
The goal of the book is to provide fundamental information to give you a practical approach and not mince words about the Online Trading and Investment. You will also learn what are the errors that commit 95% of novice traders when they lose on the markets.
Inside the book will be treated 6 plus two trading strategies, that the reader at the end of the study will be able to extrapolate alone! Also, within the discussion of the book, are treated several case studies of trading operations, so as to understand the motivations that drive stock traders (traders) in their investment choices.
Only in this way you can switch from Theory to Practice. A practical study matters of theory, examples and exercises specially designed for the reader that comes close to the markets and who wants to learn to invest in autonomy and make its Speculative Trading Operations.
By reading this book you will learn:
- How to invest your own capital and start to really earn from your money
- Everything you need to know about what is the Trading and Investment
- What are the Financial Markets
- What is Leverage and how you can leverage to get 10x returns
- What is Fundamental Analysis and what are the best strategies used by Professionals Investors
- What is a Technical Analysis and how it is used to speculation in the short term
- How they build their secret graphics
- The great secret of the direction of financial markets
- Strategies used by most of Successful Trader
- Trading Strategies + 2 obtained
- The Extra Boost to increase profits with Trading Strategies and Investment
- The Best Final Tips to finally clarify
In this book you will learn to trade even if you have little time to devote to this activity, also you will discover the basic strategies of risk management that allow you to trade even with capital not too high.
Learn today to make your investments and your Trading, free yourself from non-existent returns and unjustified management fees.

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 16.49
Originally posted 2020-01-25 23:27:00. Republished by Blog Post Promoter