Options Trading Crash Course: Smart Investing for Beginners. Stock Market Strategies and Techniques (Forex, Swing, Day trading) Money Management, … Financial Freedom and Trade Psychology.


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Would you like to earn a living BY trading on the stock market, but only have a few hundred dollars to invest?

If so, options trading might be the market for you.

Imagine only investing a few hundred dollars a week, and doubling or tripling your money. Or better yet what if you could invest a relatively small amount of money, and make a weekly income of $500, $1,000 or more?

Options trading allows this and more. Trading options is one of the secrets the wealthy have been keeping for decades, but now options trading is available to any individual investor. Of course it’s not without risk – all financial investing involves risk – but if you follow the time tested principles used by the experts, options trading can help propel you to financial independence in a short amount of time.

In this book, we are going to introduce you to the world of options trading. You will learn the basics, explained in plain, simple to understand language. We will also teach you the special options trading strategies that are used by professionals to mitigate risk and ensure higher odds of profits. How much money you make is up to you – but making a full-time living trading options is definitely something that you can achieve, provided you know how to do it.

  • Learn Exactly what options are, and how to profit trading them.
  • Get a realistic appraisal of the risks involved, and how to mitigate your risks.
  • Discover the secret methods used by the pros to earn money, week-in and week-out.
  • Find out how you can earn income selling options, and why it’s better than investing in dividend stocks – and how it actually allows you to save money.
  • Learn the differences between calls and puts, and when to use them.
  • We’ll teach you all about fundamental and technical analysis, and the role each can play in options trading.
  • Learn about Iron Condors, bull credit spreads, and bear credit spreads. Find out when and how to use them in order to earn profits.
  • Discover why strangles and straddles allow options traders to earn money no matter which direction the stock market moves.
  • Find out why options earn a huge return on investment (ROI) as compared to trading stock, and why trading options is better than day trading or swing trading.
  • We’ll explain how to earn money when the stock price is moving sideways.
  • Learn how to open a brokerage account and begin trading options. We’ll also explain different trading levels and how to achieve them so that you can engage in more trades.
  • Find out how much money you need to deposit in order to start making income (Guess what – it’s not a lot of money).
  • And more!

Options trading is an exciting and accessible way to earn huge ROI (return on investment) and even regular income from the stock

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Originally posted 2019-12-22 04:25:04. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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