Mutual Funds Exposed 2nd Edition: What You Don’t Know May Be Hazardous to Your Wealth (Wealth Management)

Mutual funds became popular in the 1920’s as a way for smaller investors to get the benefits of having professional managers creating diversified portfolios. But even from the beginning, mutual funds had structural flaws that created disappointing long-term performance, thereby harming the financial well-being of millions of mutual fund investors. Some of these flaws include…

Dimensions of Long-Term Care Management: An Introduction

Long-term care is one of the fastest-growing segments in the healthcare industry. Societal changes, including the aging of the boomers and an evolution in attitudes toward aging and retirement, will continue to propel long-term care issues to the forefront. With an emphasis on the trends and developments that are transforming long-term care, this book introduces…

Options with a cherry on top

“Options with a cherry on top” is a basic supplemental companion guide, best used in conjunction with the content provided by, and is available on both Amazon and Apple Books. Figuring out where to start, what information to trust — that’s where most new traders, including yours truly, go way off the rails. After…

Forex Trading Journal: Lined Journal For Boys, Girls, Women, and Men

This notebook/journal is a beautifully produced, matte blank notebook, complete with 110 pages of unlined white paper which is ideal for those who want to write down their everyday goals, thoughts that come to mind, book ideas or just reminders.It is suitable for anyone and would make the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries or anything…

Maximum PC

Maximum PC is the go-to resource for PC enthusiasts. Every issue is chock-full of the latest computer technology news, reviews of the hottest hardware, detailed how-to projects, and in-depth feature stories aimed at hardcore computer hobbyists and anyone else who wants to learn how to do more with their PC. The Kindle Edition of this…

Stock Market Investing for Beginners

 Buy Now   Smith, G. Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: $19.38 Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 19.38 Buy Now %%item_customer_reviews%% Originally posted 2022-06-08 06:59:08. Republished…

My Stock Market Workbook

 Buy Now   Ruiz, Elizabeth Garcia, Linda Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: $11.88 Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 11.88 Buy Now %%item_customer_reviews%% Originally posted 2020-12-01…