Heart Beat Day Trading & Investing Stock Market Trader Pullover Hoodie

Are you a trader or investor and earn money on the market? Than this funny traders design is perfect to tell the world in no uncertain terms that you’re into trading. Heartbeat EKG Design with candlestick formation.This trading design is a must have for money managers, day traders, commodities traders, bears, bulls, forex traders, investors…

The Electronic Day Trader: Successful Strategies for On-line Trading

In 1998, McGraw-Hill’s The Electronic Day Trader became a worldwide phenomenon—and spent months on the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, and New York Times bestseller lists. Now, this new paperback edition revisits the hardcover edition’s electronic day trading techniques and mechanics, and adds a new introduction discussing today’s evolving electronic day trading environment. The Electronic Day…

The Mental Edge in Trading : Adapt Your Personality Traits and Control Your Emotions to Make Smarter Investments

LEVERAGE YOUR MOST POWERFUL TRADING ASSET: YOUR PERSONALITY The Mental Edge in Trading explains the critical link between successful trading and personality traits–and it gives you the tools to use this information to make smarter trades. A highly trained psychiatrist, Dr. Jason Williams, son of legendary trader Larry Williams, explains how to assess and measure…