AIM for Millions with Stock Options: The Safe and Reliable Method for Profitable Investing with Long Term Stock Options (LEAPS)

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In the 1970’s, a contrarian investor named Robert Lichello first introduced the Automated Investment Management (AIM) method. AIM is a safe and scientific way to always buy low, sell high, and earn significant profits from the inevitable ups and downs of the stock market. Even with ten of the “boring” Dogs of the Dow stocks, a portfolio that used AIM would have increased 70% from January 2014 to May 2019. Do you wish yours did that?
With the creation of Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS) in 1990, a unique opportunity to profit even more from AIM was introduced. With LEAPS, investors have the dual benefits of greater control (one contract contains 100 options) plus greater profits due to the larger volatility that comes from options. Investing in the LEAPS of those same ten Dogs of the Dow companies and using AIM, your portfolio would have increased an exciting * 485% * over the same timeframe. Subscribers to the monthly JJJ Investing Services newsletter have been able to track these results for themselves.
Worth noting – this is NOT day trading. Jeff’s system is so efficient and reliable that checking your portfolio once a month (or whenever you are notified about an automatic trade) is sufficient. That is the power of AIM plus LEAPS – and Jeffrey Weber is the world’s leading teacher and authority on this remarkable investing method.
Now in his third investing book, Jeff applies his extensive experience with never-before published instructions, results, and insights for FAANG investors: those who want to profit from the high tech revolution. (FAANG represents high tech companies dominated by Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google- now Alphabet).
Jeff’s portfolio of the LEAPS with 10 FAANG companies went from $1,000,000 in January 2016 to $2,698,118 in March 2019. That is a growth of almost 170% in 3 years – and 2018 wasn’t a very good year. How does that compare to your results from the tech revolution?
Inside this book, you will see the actual calculations, instructions, and online brokerage screenshots that make these results possible. Jeff Weber wants to help as many investors as possible benefit from the AIM investing method. Once you learn how to be a successful AIM investor with LEAPS and FAANG companies, the benefits will pass to you, your children, and your grandchildren. In addition to the theory and strategy behind AIM with LEAPS and FAANG companies, you will learn this detailed information:
* How to conduct buy and sell trades with AIM and LEAPS
* How to make your trades happen automatically ahead of time – step-by-step instructions with actual screenshots from an online brokerage account
* Investors’ 8 biggest objections and concerns with AIM and stock options – and Jeff’s responses to each of them
* BONUS addition: a complete newsletter issue from JJJ Investing Services
“AIM provides objective, rational direction for your investments amid the chaos of the markets… If you have tried investing before and experienced anxiety or even outright fear; AIM is the firm, consistent, steady voice that says, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make the decisions for you…relax.’ “ — Jay Hamer, PhD, Psychology (from the Forward)
If you want to learn how to safely and systematically increase your investment portfolio balance with long term stock options, “AIM for MILLION$ with Stock Options” is the book for you.
Buy the full-size paperback (8.5″x11″) with full color interior and large font so you can easily read the spreadsheets and screenshots. Write notes. You get the Kindle version for FREE!
Jeffrey Weber is the Owner of JJJ Investing Services which he founded after retiring from a full career in the US Army as an auditor and management analyst. He lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wife, daughter, granddaughter, and grandson.

Originally posted 2019-10-24 21:18:00. Republished by Blog Post Promoter