Active Trend Trading Mini Trade Journal & Trading Log: 6″x9″ Mini Trading Journal


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Looking for a simple way to improve your trading and investing?

As Peter Drucker says, “What gets measured gets improved.”

We designed the portable mini size 6″x9″ version of the Trade Journal & Trading Log from specifically for the needs of swing trading, trend trading, and options trading, with the goal of tracking trades to measure and improve trading consistency and profitability.

Most traders struggle with that goal like someone lost in a fog. This journal helps provide clarity on all the information your broker’s trade confirmations or profit & loss reports leaves out: Your thoughts, emotions, and processes before and during a trade.

This journal uses large, clear sections to keep information organized. It’s simple to use for tracking your trading activity. And we hope that the extra diligence you give to your process will lead to multiplying your accounts.

Journal includes three main sections

  1. Rules, Routines, & Goals
  2. Trade Checklist & Journal Pages
  3. Trade Log

Also includes example trading rules and routines that you’re free to use or adapt to your style.

Because we firmly believe in trading according to defined rules and a complete system, we’ve designed the trade checklist & journal pages in section two to cover our 5 Pillars of Any Successful Trading System:

  1. What to Trade
  2. When to Enter
  3. When to Exit
  4. Strategy
  5. Expectation

They act like a pre-flight checklist for pilots, or a game plan for sports teams. The Trade Log is a short-hand, quick view of your trading results and progress.

You’ll also get access to free trade spreadsheet tools to help you evaluate and record trades digitally to supplement your paper trading log.

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 12.99

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Originally posted 2019-12-19 03:27:18. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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