Stock Market Investing for Minority Teens & Friends: What does it take to learn and master the Wall Street hustle?


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Do you dream of being rich one day? And just how do you expect to get to rich status? With a high paying job, you get after college? Well…good luck with that. You’ll be lucky to be able to barely pay your bills and student loans. What you should do if you truly want to be rich one day is learn to invest. Specifically, you should learn stock market investing. The majority of rich people in the U.S. own stocks. Why? Because the rich know the game. They realize stocks are the number one way to generate wealth passively over time. Stocks have made people into millionaires for years! But here’s what’s unfortunate for the U.S.’s economy: Most of these people have been and continue to be White. Did you know that only 62% of Black and 57% of Hispanic middle-class families (families earning between $41,000 – $122,000) own any stock? In comparison, 86% of White middle-class families own stock. If you go below the middle-class, the stats are even worse for minority families. It’s no secret then, that if you want to improve your chances of getting rich and out of poverty, you must invest in stocks! In his latest book, C. Osvaldo Gomez, a.k.a., Homie G, teaches young people of color and their White friend allies all about stocks and the market. Like a Beginner’s Guide to Stocks, Gomez breaks down the nuances of the stock market, how and why stocks fall in price, focusing on the preservation of your money, and explains how the government helps stock market investors get even richer. Unlike other books on stock market investing, this book is entertaining. The stories and examples relate to teenagers and young adults, but people of all ages will enjoy how easily the information flows and see how useful it is. The exercises at the end of each chapter lets readers apply what they learn.These days you don’t have to be rich to start investing. There are apps that let you invest as little as $5. So, don’t make excuses. Start learning today. Go ahead, take a Look inside, and when you’re done, scroll back up and click that Buy button!

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Originally posted 2020-02-02 04:59:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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