Travel the Path to Financial Success: An Instructional Guide to Investing


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To many the world of investing is unnavigable territory. An ocean of risk where a storm may approach at any time. Afraid of black clouds suddenly appearing on the horizon, many choose what they perceive to be a safer path. Unfortunately, this safer path may have risk too. Mainly, the risk of not achieving their financial goals. Others, who overcome the fear of risk, choose to invest even though they have little to no understanding of the basics of investing. This book is for those who have avoided investing out of fear and for those who are already investing but desire a better understanding of basic investing concepts. With straightforward text and clear diagrams, the reader is shown that a comprehensive portfolio can be constructed and maintained with just a few recognizable investment products and concepts. To assist the investor to fully utilize the instruction within this guide, a series of worksheets are provided that walk the reader through the steps of developing an investment plan. The combination of text and worksheets educate the reader to become an investor who knows not just the what of effective investing, but the how and why.

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Originally posted 2019-12-07 21:41:07. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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