The Trouble with Mutual Funds: Every Reason to Get Out & Stay Out of Actively-Managed Mutual Funds

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In his hard-nose The Trouble with Mutual Funds Kurt Linn takes the reader behind the scenes of the mutual fund industry to discover the real reasons mutual funds perform so poorly, and to see clearly the contradictions at the core of the very idea of a mutual fund. With meticulous research, concrete examples and a style that’s plain and simple, the book drives home the sad truth about mutual fund companies: Their money managers neglect the basics of long-term investing while their marketing execs are hard at work keeping you and the rest of the nation of investors in the dark. Then the reader is turned from the current state of decline in the industry to a brighter alternative, to the start of the index investing revolution.The fundamentals of passively managed index funds lead back in time, to the birth of public investment portfolios over a half century ago — where we find an integrity and a concern for legitimate investment performance in the industry’s founders — a seriousness from which most current leaders, to their shame, have turned away. The Appendix provides a guide to outstanding books for further reading and online learning about the critics of actively-managed mutual funds and smart investing alternatives. As a hard copy (no longer available) the book is 140 pages, with 53 End notes. Its brevity and density of source materials make The Trouble with Mutual Funds the perfect e-book for experienced investors and beginners alike. This latest edition is only at Kindle. Kurt Linn is a best-selling author and independent consultant who for the past two decades has been bringing together people with personal finance needs and the nation’s top investment advisers and attorneys. He holds masters degrees from Yale and Kings College.

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Originally posted 2020-01-13 14:34:52. Republished by Blog Post Promoter