The Index Funds Launchpad: An average person’s guide to a worry-free investment life

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The economy is getting more and more unpredicted. Among a myriad of financial products, “index fund” has suddenly emerged. While you can’t afford to miss this opportunity, are you sure you know enough to profit from this investment?
Aren’t you tired of following an investment trend that promises profitability only to find out it doesn’t work the same for you?
It’s easy to be swept away by the bombarded advertisement about “the next big investment”. Advisor companies promise the best product for an average retail investor. While there are reasons why index funds have become popular among investors, it is important you know what you are getting into.
Discover how index funds can benefits you and how to maximize your profitability
This book will walk you through the Whys and the Hows of Index funds, giving you a thorough understanding of these passive funds, and equipping you with the tips and strategies to maximize the best of your investment. Here are just a few things you will discover in this book;
Gain your knowledge and jump into the index fund game with confidence today, just scroll up & BUY NOW!

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 9.99
Originally posted 2019-11-09 09:47:03. Republished by Blog Post Promoter