Tetra Weekend and Vacation Feeder Slow-Release Fish Food for Tropical Fish

TetraClick Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: $2.79
- 100% EDIBLE FISH BLOCK: Allows aquarium fish to graze or nibble as needed when hungry vs plaster feeders that dissolve
- MADE: With whole daphnia and contains all essential nutritional elements to keep your fish healthy for up to 14 days
- DOESN’T DISSOLVE: Gel block doesn’t dissolve like plaster feeders and will not pollute water or negatively impact water quality
- INSTRUCTIONS: Simply remove the foil lid and pop the food out of the tin into your aquarium
- FEEDING GUIDE: Consult the Feeding Guide Chart on the back of the package and remove any uneaten food when you return

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 2.79
Originally posted 2023-01-20 05:06:21. Republished by Blog Post Promoter