Stock Market Investing For Beginners: The Best Book on Stock Investments To Help You Make Money In Less Than 1 Hour a Day (stock trading)


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The #1 Book On Stock Investments! Buy paperback version and get kindle version for FREE – The stock market has its peculiarities. It’s a world where a small matter has the potential of creating a massive impact. One thing added or one thing left out could be the difference between making a million dollars and losing it all. – There is no shortage of investors. The world has many of them. And you can be sure that some are extremely successful while others cry bitterly over their losses. – The reason why most investors fail is that theyapproach investing as though it were some lottery game. They are chance-takers. They have no plan. They stagger from one failed investment to another, taking stabs in the dark, and soon enough they lose all their money.- This book has been written to help you become an intelligent investor. An intelligent investor is not a chance-taker. An intelligent investor is a value investor who exploits market inconsistencies long before others have taken notice.- You will learn all the basics of the stock market investment and how to optimize your investments and realize the largest possible profits.- An investor should not turn himself into a speculator, for a speculator acts on his instincts rather than his intellect when executing trades.- The stock market is neither a mythical place beyond human understanding, nor a place reserved for people with special genetics. The investors who have made a fortune out of stock market are average people like everyone else except they took their time to understand everything before trying to get in the game.- There are many investments in the securities markets beyond stocks. You could invest in bonds and funds like mutual funds and index funds. – Investing in IPOs gives you a chance to own a slice of a company and in return,you play your part in providing the company with much-neededresources. – The best single thing an investor can do before taking up an investment deal is to conduct a fundamental analysis. – Fundamental analysis is the evaluation of a company’s financial health with the intention of either solidifying your interest in the venture or finding out any red flag. – The strategies for succeeding as an investor are timeless. They worked a lifetime ago in the days of Ben Graham (the father of value investing) and they still work today.

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Originally posted 2020-01-10 13:02:32. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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