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Strategic Asset Allocation

This volume provides a scientific foundation for the advice offered by financial planners to long-term investors. Based upon statistics on asset return behavior and assumed investor objectives, the authors derive optimal portfolio rules that investors can compare with existing rules of thumb.Oxford University Press USA

Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Investing

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are state-owned investment funds with combined asset holdings that are fast approaching four trillion dollars. Recently emerging as a major force in global financial markets, SWFs have other distinctive features besides their state-owned status: they are mainly located in developing countries and are intimately tied to energy and commodities exports, and…

Investors Behavior of Mutual Fund Investment

Mutual fund pools the money of different investors. This money is then invested across stocks, bonds, market instruments. Mutual fund is more reliable to the investors as the risk is low when compared to other sources of investment.Ordinary investors have to choose the schemes, got return to difficult. Mutual fund industry has evolving recently, but…

Positional Option Trading (Wiley Trading)

A detailed, one-stop guide for experienced options traders Positional Option Trading is a rigorous, professional-level guide on sophisticated techniques from professional trader and quantitative analyst Euan Sinclair. The author has over two decades of high-level option trading experience. He has written this book specifically for professional options traders who have outgrown more basic trading techniques…