Options with a cherry on top

Independently publishedClick Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: $19.99 Free Shipping
“Options with a cherry on top” is a basic supplemental companion guide, best used in conjunction with the content provided by tastytrade.com, and is available on both Amazon and Apple Books. Figuring out where to start, what information to trust — that’s where most new traders, including yours truly, go way off the rails. After many years of trying to figure out this whole trading thing, (and at great expense), I found the tastytrade financial network, and tuned in, everyday, for several years — it was basically my full-time job, during which time I took comprehensive notes. Eventually, after successfully implementing the techniques/strategies from my notes, I took on the task of organizing them into a Desk Reference, originally intended as a help guide for family and friends. Then, one tweet, offering to give away a few leftover printed copies, turned into an avalanche of requests. And so I decided to publish an eBook edition: now available on Apple Books and Amazon. Also available on amazon.com: an 8 1/2” x 11” high-quality, printed version of “Options with a cherry on top” — 115 pages, perfect for those who prefer printed material. “Options with a cherry on top” are my notes, they are not gospel. Although tastytrade ended up as the most trusted, contributing source, many other sources of information (seminars, websites, books, etc.) were also part of the process. That said, goodwill and good trading . . .

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 19.99
Originally posted 2020-02-09 09:27:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter