Options Trading for Beginners: The Most Complete Crash Course; All You Need to Know About Options, Trading Strategies for Creating a Real Alternative Income

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Do You Want to Trade Your Way to Success on the Options Market?
Do you need a more strategic and financial way to protect your portfolio and maximize your investment in trading?
In today’s fast-paced markets, more investors are thinking about taking an entirely new path – trading options. Options trading sounds exciting, almost exotic. But what is options trading and how do you get involved?
Options trading is fun and exciting, and it’s an easy way to start making money from your investments. But one thing it’s not is this – it’s not super complicated. Sadly, people have not been allowed to hear the truth about options trading, and so it remains in the realm of the mysterious. This is unfortunate because options trading only involves a few simple rules. Once you know what they are, then options trading becomes simple.
In this book, we are going to teach you about options trading from the ground up. This book is aimed squarely at beginners who don’t really know anything about options trading. We will begin by simply teaching you about what options are, and the properties of options that you need to know about before you start trading them. From here, we will go through all the options trading strategies that you need to know in order to become a successful options trader.
- We’ll explain the basic concept of options trading in plain English.
- You will learn how to make money from stocks that you own by selling covered calls.
- Learn how to profit from price movements in the market by buying calls and puts.
- Discover how to profit from large moves in share prices, no matter which direction the stock moves.
- Imagine being able to profit if the stock price would increase, or if the stock price ends up dropping, and if the stock price doesn’t change at all.
- Learn how to make weekly and monthly income with various options selling strategies.
- We will teach you how to mitigate risk with the most popular options strategies that are used by professional options traders.
- Find out how to earn income selling naked puts. We’ll not only explain what this mysterious name actually means, but we’ll also give you the formulas brokers use that establish collateral requirements.
- See real examples at every step that will help you learn how to trade options successfully.
- Find out ways you can trade options in order to earn a regular income, by the week, or by the month.
- Learn the top mistakes that beginning options traders make and how to avoid them.
- Get into the right mindset, when we teach you the characteristics that you need to adopt.
- Trade like a pro when you learn about rollouts and other secret strategies.
There is no reason why you can’t begin trading options today. In this book, we will show you the step-by-step methods that you can use to begin your own successful trading business.
Options are not for everyone and investing does carry risk, but why not learn the details now, so that you can get in on the action if options trading is for you?
Just scroll up now and click the BUY NOW button to start making a profit by tomorrow morning!

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Originally posted 2020-01-02 09:05:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter