Master 76 Option Strategies: (Includes value-added Excel for Windows trading software)
Waterside Productions, IncorporatedClick Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: $46.95 Free Shipping
Master 76 Option Strategies, with its downloadable companion Excel-based options strategy workbook, provides an exceptionally powerful options strategy learning experience. The companion Excel workbook is a “live” option strategy trainer. It contains a Contents page (or worksheet) that lists all 76 option strategy names and descriptions. Clickable links are provided to jump users directly to the corresponding strategy worksheet. Each worksheet is carefully designed to guide users through trade scanning, entry, exit, and the final outcome of the underlying option strategy. Once a trade is entered and working, a return link can be used to return directly to the Contents page. Each trade continues to “work” and can be opened at any time to check either current or final trading outcome.The Excel workbook pulls real-time live market data from the popular thinkorswim® trading platform. Readers can browse the Internet browser to locate thinkorswim® and determine the policies regarding its access and use.
Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 46.95
Originally posted 2019-11-20 13:38:34. Republished by Blog Post Promoter