Market Forces: Strategic Trends Impacting Senior Living Providers


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Despite the anticipated “Senior Tsunami” in population emerging across the nation, success in the senior living industry is not guaranteed. In this thought-provoking book, management consultant Jill Johnson discusses the nine market forces that will influence on-going success in an industry over-saturated with competition and complexity.

Market Forces offers insight on how these key trends influence the industry and the implications they may have on your occupancy, operations, programming, and desirability of your site. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the impact of these market forces to prepare providers to think, plan, and operate more strategically for success.

As a consultant to senior living providers from across the nation who are operating in highly competitive markets or who are in trouble, Johnson shares candid insight about why many providers are struggling to fill their communities. She provides clarity about the underlying reasons for why this is happening and highlights the indispensable value of accurate market intelligence in considering your strategic choices.

This is a must-read for senior living leaders, their boards and staff – and those considering entering this industry for the first time!

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 30.00

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Originally posted 2019-11-11 11:34:19. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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