Forex Trading Using Volume Price Analysis: Over 100 worked examples in all timeframes

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For many traders, price and the price chart itself are the beginning and the end of technical analysis. All they consider is the price and nothing else. However, for myself, and many others, this approach completely ignores the extension of price to its logical association with volume, which together reveals the market’s true intent, and whether a move is genuine or fake. This approach was first developed by the founding father of technical analysis, Charles Dow, more than a century ago, and then further developed and codified by Richard Wyckoff into his three laws, and what I now call Volume Price Analysis.In this book you will discover how to apply volume price analysis to your own forex trading, regardless of whether you are a scalper or longer term swing or trend trader. Through over 100 worked chart examples, with annotations, you will learn how to read the market for yourself, and anticipate where the market is going next. No longer will you be caught off guard, or trapped into weak positions. And in addition you can apply this powerful methodology directly to your trading, or it can be integrated and blended into existing trading tactics and strategies. All that is required is a chart with volume and price. Volume price analysis answers the one question all traders want an answer to: Where is the market heading next?

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Originally posted 2019-11-13 11:38:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter