Dividend Investing: How to Build Your PASSIVE INCOME and FINANCIAL FREEDOM Through the Stock Market. A Guide to Dividend Stocks and an Early Retirement


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Maybe you’ve heard about the ways you can earn a passive income, getting paid month after month from dividend stocks, but you have no idea how to go about doing it yourself.

Or maybe you’ve even got a friend or two who are living the good life, always relaxing and traveling, and never having to worry about money, and they do it living off dividends.

If you’re a beginner to dividend investing and have no idea how to begin, this book is the answer you’ve been looking for!

It’s time to learn about what dividends are, and how to start getting paid by companies that you buy shares in. In this book, you will learn the ins and outs of dividend investing from the ground up. You’ll also get some tips on what the best dividend stocks are and how to spot a dud.

We’ll also give you some ideas on unconventional investments that can pay off big time, helping you grow your wealth and enjoy the luxury of having dividend income payments hitting your account every single quarter, allowing you to live a free life with a passive income.

In this book we’ll cover:

  • What’s a dividend and how do they work.

  • Learn which stocks pay dividends and which don’t and why.

  • Find out how to read financial statements and determine which companies are a good investment.

  • Get the secret trick you can use to reinvest dividends tax-free.

  • We’ll teach you all the jargon you need to know to navigate the dividends landscape.

  • Learn the top mistakes made by new dividend investors and how to avoid them.

  • What’s a REIT or an MLP? After reading this book, you’ll have all the answers.

  • Find out how to use options to make even more monthly income off your stocks.

  • Compare dividend investing in regular investing, and learn the advantages of dividends.

  • Suggestions on how to best set up a dividend portfolio.

Scroll to the top of the page and click the “buy now” button!

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 16.00

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Originally posted 2019-12-26 05:30:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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