Day Trading: The crash course beginners’ guide strategies to trading options and stocks for a living. Psychology and money management for making money and passive income profits


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Day trading is one of the popular short-term trading strategies. It is one of the best ways to generate quick income from trading stocks.

Table of Contents

If you are considering day trading as a career or as a part time business, this book will equip you with the right knowledge and skills required for your success.

The book answers all your questions relating to day trading. Basically, you will find the

following information:

  • The basics of day trading. The book starts by defining what day trading is and the processes involved in the strategy. We highlight the key requirements for day trading and discuss the characteristics of a day trader

  • Day trading tools. In this section, we make you understand the major tools used in day trading including computers, trading platforms and the trading software. We also explain the different types of charts and how you can interpret them

  • Day trading futures. Here we define futures and give you some guidelines on how you can day trade futures. We discuss the risks involved in day trading and the types of orders you can raise. We also outline a typical day in the life of a day trader, the kind of constraints traders face on the market and teach you how to control your emotions when day trading. We introduce day trading of stocks and highlight some trading strategies

  • Advantages and disadvantages of day trading. You get to know the importance of day trading to an investor, as well as some of the disadvantages. We look at the basics involved in day trading stocks and options as some of the financial instruments associated with this trading style

  • Day trading strategies. If you are seeking to understand some expert strategies to use in day trading, this section will provide you with the right kind of information. We also explain some common terminology used in options trading and expound the major types of options. You also get to learn some tips for successful day trading of options

  • Day trading strategies for beginners. We do not leave out the necessary information and requirements for new day traders. We discuss some strategies that beginners can employ to start earning on the stock market and explain how to build a watch list, choose the right stock and some factors to look at when choosing a broker. We also highlight some exit strategies and outline how to review your trades at the end of each day

  • Lastly we look at day trading success. We list some common mistakes and advice you how to avoid them. We look at the psychology of success and discuss the difference between winning and losing day traders. We also expound some of the trading traps to avoid and how you can restrict yourself from overtrading

If you are a new day trader or an expert in using the strategy, this book will make a great addition to your library. Every information you need, from trading basics to sophisticated strategies, is contained in these few, yet clearly outlined chapters.

If you want to experience good success in day trading, grab a copy of this book.

Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 17.38

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Originally posted 2019-11-22 14:35:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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