DAY TRADING FOR BEGINNERS: Tips and Strategies to Earn Online in Futures with Psychology secrets. Cryptocurrency, Forex, Stocks Market to Make a Living and Create a Passive Income from Home.

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You’re interested in the stock market, but don’t know where to start?
You’re looking for specific techniques and tools that can help you achieve real results?
You’re finally ready to start building your own wealth?
Then keep on reading, this book is for you!
Successful day trading is a journey, not a destination. In this journey, you’re going to be challenged, your level of discipline, self-control, and your ability to look at the big picture will be tested. You will change! Therefore, you need to look at the tools and tactics that are explained thoroughly in this book to help you get a proper context for day trading. Ultimately, it’s your mindset that will determine whether you’ll be a successful day trader or not.
While it’s easy to look at day trading success as a simple matter of failing or succeeding; it’s not that simple. The vast majority of day traders haven’t completely failed, but they haven’t succeeded either. They’re just treading water; they’re settling on cents on the dollar.
This is too bad because by simply adopting the right psychology, which leads to an increased level of discipline, you’ll be able to have a broad view of day trading. This broad will enable you to scale up properly and employ the right tactics so you can go from simply being lucky from time to time to consistently getting the results that you are after.
This book is a comprehensive guide on :
- How to Start Day Trading
- Trading Platforms
- Selecting a Broker
- Day Trading Orders
- Most Important Day Trading Strategies
- Trading and Time
- What Should You Invest in to Be Profitable at Day Trading
- From Mere Income Generation to Vocation
- Momentum Trading
- Deflation vs. Inflation – How to Fight Them
- Portfolio Diversification
- Money Management
- Risk Management Strategies
It discusses the basics of day trading, the essential information you need as a beginner, the most popular and workable strategies that successful traders have always used, and the daily tips you can leverage for success. It helps you to distinguish between the best platforms and strategies that beginners use from those that best suit the veterans. Also, it shows you the cost requirements for each of the commonly used platforms to ensure that the platforms you use fit your budget.
Further, it offers insights on the appropriate amount of risk that you should take depending on your experience, knowledge, and the platform that you are using. It shows you the best tips and techniques that the most successful traders have used to give you a competitive edge! The common mistakes that the average or losing traders commit are explored throughout to help you omit them and prevent you from becoming the 89% of day traders who lose in the game and what kind of mentality to adopt to become successful.
Finally, it shows you why day trading is the best form of trading for someone who wants to make it a career rather than an investment on the side.
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Click Buy Now for Updated Price. Estimated Price: 17.38
Originally posted 2020-01-31 03:32:53. Republished by Blog Post Promoter