Common Sense Investing: Ten Simple Rules to Finance Your Dreams, or Create a Roadmap to Achieve Financial Independence by Investing in Mutual Funds … Plan (How To Achieve Financial Independence)

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Learn basic financial concepts to make it more likely that you’ll achieve common life goals such as owning a home, providing for yourself or your family, taking fun vacations, and retiring in comfort—all free from financial stress. The 108-page book (17,000 words and 52 pictures) teaches beginners learn how to invest money for both short- and long-term goals. Topics include: The ten rules to successful investing, How to write a personal investment plan, How to diversify your investments, How to know a good mutual fund, How to be a tax-savvy investor. Learn the basics that everyone needs to know about investment products like stock, bonds, and mutual funds, and the containers that hold those products, like IRAs, 401(k), Roth IRA, and taxable accounts. Learn why Warren Buffett, John C. Bogle, and most professional investors recommend that 99% of investors should use low-cost mutual funds called index funds. Learn what they are, what this means, and why they win. John C. Bogle, founder and former chairman of The Vanguard Group, is hailed by many as the champion of common sense investing. His huge following endearingly call themselves “Bogleheads” in perhaps the most popular personal investment forum and wiki site at “Common Sense Investing captures the core elements of the Bogleheads investment philosophy in terms any investor can easily understand and implement. Read it and reap!” writes Forbes columnist, Mel Lindauer—also one of the original Boglehead founders. Many of the tips include examples of how people put the important concepts into practice. Instructional appendixes include: numerous links to free online videos, recommended books, help forums, and other resources. Take charge of your finances, ignore Wall Street chatter, and get on with your life. By understanding and following some simple rules, you can make some of your dreams come true. Author Rick Van Ness is a very successful private investor who provides investor education through online videos, short books, and workshops. He has both an engineering degree from Cornell University and a MBA in Finance from New York University.

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Originally posted 2019-11-05 06:25:03. Republished by Blog Post Promoter