Mutual Funds: Tips and Tricks to Learn the Realms of Mutual Funds and Upscale Your Income


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Mutual funds are generally considered the go-to solution for getting higher returns on your investments with little to no effort. You just find a fund house, give them your money and just wait for the compound effect of taking over your money and turn it into riches beyond your dreams! Now that does sound poetic, and in the real world, it IS possible, but only if you have all the lucky stars tucked away in your bedside drawer.In the factual world, with unpredictable economic conditions and fluctuating markets, you need a better process. It is YOUR money on the line, and YOU need to make decisions that put it to its best use. Yes, mutual fund companies are there to offer help and lend expertise, but they can only go so far as to guide you. And this is where this book comes in. You don’t want to be sitting next to a prospect fund manager and let his use of difficult terminologies and confusing terms and conditions lead you astray.The fact is, there are costs associated with mutual funds that your manager would not be too thrilled to discuss with you. With the power of knowledge at your arsenal, you can ask the right questions and make the best decisions for your investment.This book is your “everything” guide to learning about mutual funds. From basics to complex factors, expert tips, and risk calculations, it offers it all. The book outlines different types of mutual funds along with all the necessary information you need to acquire to make informed decisions.It will also help you calculate the returns on each type of investment, figure out your risk appetite, and help you find the right fund houses that will invest your money wisely. So before you pick up that phone and call your fund manager up, read through the nuggets of wisdom shared in this book to empower yourself with the weapon of knowledge and better decision-making skills.

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Originally posted 2019-11-12 11:39:06. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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