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The Option Trader’s Workbook: A Problem-Solving Approach (2nd Edition)

Successful options trading requires extensive practice. Most options books offer theory and strategies, but don’t offer the practice needed to prepare for real-world trades, where the wrong split-second decisions can cost you dearly. Expert trader Jeff Augen covers every key scenario you’ll encounter in modern options trading, guides you through successful trade executions, and shows…

Stock Market Trading For Beginners- Everything You Need to Know to Start Investing and Make Money in the Stock Market (Stock Market, Stock Market Books, Stock Trading Books, Stock Trading)

Do You Want To Learn Trading Stocks The Right Way & Grow Your Money Forever?Don’t waste your time, effort, labor, or tears you invested in your hard-earned money by putting it in a bank.Seriously. No joke. Don’t do it!Why? One word: Inflation.Inflation will eat up the value of your hard-earned dollars.It doesn’t matter how much…

Stocks for the Long Run : The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns and Long-Term Investment Strategies

“One of the ten best investing books of all time.”–The Washington Post One of investing’s most celebrated icons updates his classic work to reflect today’s world and markets In this long-awaited and eagerly anticipated update, Jeremy iegel provides his legendary perspective and guidance to an investment world turned upside down. Stocks for the Long Run…