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Trend Trading For Dummies (For Dummies Series)

Trend trading lets the market do the work for you Is your portfolio doing all it should? Are you looking for a market-focused way to increase returns? Try your hand at trend trading. Instead of analyzing the performance of a company, analyze the performance of the market as a whole. When you spot a trend,…

BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO THE STOCK MARKET: The easiest proven strategies, the right trading psychology, the big mistakes to avoid. All you need to know to make money in stocks today and grow your wealth

You would like to start investing in stocks, but you think it is too complicated and risky since you have never done it? You would like to create a passive income, but you don’t know how much money to invest and how? You don’t know the safest and simplest trading strategies, and are you afraid…

No-Hype Options Trading: Myths, Realities, and Strategies That Really Work

A straightforward guide to successfully trading options Options provide traders and investors with a wide range of strategies to lock in profits, reduce risk, generate income, or speculate on market direction. However, they are complex instruments and can be difficult to master if misunderstood. No-Hype Options Trading offers the straight truth on how to trade…

Baby Shusher Sleep Miracle Soother

BABY SHUSHER: Classified as a Class 1 FDA Medical DeviceSLEEP SOOTHER: Using a real human voice, lull your baby to sleep with a calming shush — freeing up your precious timeSLEEP AID: 15 to 30-minute timers assure long shushing sessions can get even the most resistant sleepers to sleepBABY SLEEP: Adjustable volume control helps your…