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FOREX TRADING: Notizbuch mit 120 Seiten im Punkteraster | Mattes edles Cover | Ideal als Geschenk für alle die an der Börse handlen oder Geld und Finanzen mögen. (German Edition)

” Mein Notizbuch mit praktischen PunkterasterPlatz für 120 Seiten an Notizeninkl. Inhaltsverzeichnistolles Motiv im seriösen Business LookIm praktischen DIN-A5 FormatRobustes mattes Cover, damit das Buch immer mit dabei sein kannAuch ideal als Geschenk, denn jeder kann ein Notizbuch gebrauchenViel Spaß wünscht simpleEDI.”

Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds: Building Blocks to Wealth (Financial Markets and Investments)

Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds: Building Blocks to Wealth offers a synthesis of the theoretical and empirical literature primarily on mutual funds but also discusses related investment vehicles, especially ETFs. In this edited volume, noted scholars and practitioners write chapters in their areas of expertise. It interweaves the contributions of multiple authors into an authoritative…

Options Trading: Crash Course for Beginners – Profitable and Secret Options Strategies Simplified on How to Make Big Money in 2019 with Options Trading, Start Investing in the Stock Market in 10 Days!

**book promotion – buy the paperback version of this book and get the kindle book version for FREE**Are you a beginner and have no clue about Options trading? Do you want to know how to make 10k per month by Options trading and you wish to start investing? are you investing and continuing to lose…