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Understanding Options (Wiley Marketplace Book Series 2)

It’s not hard to understand why options trading continues to growin popularity, especially among sophisticated investors with largestock portfolios. Options are a cheaper and therefore, inherentlyless risky way of speculating on the price movements of stocks orother under-lying goods, yet, due to their volatility, they providemore price action per dollar than do stocks. And, when…

Trader Construction Kit: Fundamental & Technical Analysis, Risk Management, Directional Trading, Spreads, Options, Quantitative Strategies, Execution, Position Management, Data Science & Programming

Trader Construction Kit is a comprehensive resource for undergraduate, MBA and Masters of Finance students interested in a career with a bank, hedge fund or other financial institution. Trader Construction Kit is a practical guide to developing the skills and techniques employed by professional traders, including: • Fundamentally and technically analyzing a market. • Assessing…

How to Avoid Loss and Earn Consistently in the Stock Market: An Easy-To-Understand and Practical Guide for Every Investor

Hundreds of books are there about “”How to make money from stocks?”” Still 80% small investors suffer loss in the stock market. Why? Plenty of free trading tips are available across Television and Internet; still maximum small investors are unable to earn significant return consistently from trading. Why? Why maximum individuals still consider the stock…

Options Trading: Easiest Beginners Simplified Guide , Effective Profitable Strategies – Learn the Foundamental Basics of Options Trading and Start Today

♦♦Bonus: Buy the Paperback version of this book, and get the kindle eBook version included for FREE**If you are looking for a way to ditch your boring old 9-to-5 job but aren’t interested in something that simply replaces that with the drudgery of working online, then perhaps some type of day trading is more your…