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The Option Volatility and Pricing Value Pack

Save big! The knowledge and practice investors need to conquer the options market―two powerful guides in one affordable package  You don’t need to enroll in an expensive investing course to get the theory, instruction, and practice you need to conquer the options market. This priced-to-move combo includes two unbeatable guides that will get your portfolio where…

No-Hype Options Trading: Myths, Realities, and Strategies That Really Work

A straightforward guide to successfully trading options Options provide traders and investors with a wide range of strategies to lock in profits, reduce risk, generate income, or speculate on market direction. However, they are complex instruments and can be difficult to master if misunderstood. No-Hype Options Trading offers the straight truth on how to trade…

Option Theory with Stochastic Analysis: An Introduction To Mathematical Finance (Universitext)

This is a very basic and accessible introduction to option pricing, invoking a minimum of stochastic analysis and requiring only basic mathematical skills. It covers the theory essential to the statistical modeling of stocks, pricing of derivatives with martingale theory, and computational finance including both finite-difference and Monte Carlo methods.Used Book in Good Condition