Stock Trading Planner- Day Trade and Swing Trade Volume 1 : Strategy Plan Overview, Calendar, Portfolio Password Tracker, Trading log Journal

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Can you remember?… How much are you trade the stock?How much dividend has been received? and how about the commission cost?These problems will be disappeared, just you note, note and note.These are the reasons that you should keep the records of stock trading:- Check the accuracy of the report from your broker.- You will see your stock trading behavior.- Record the history of stock price in your portfolio.- Monitor your investment results.- Adjust your investment portfolio in time. Content: Stock Trading Strategy Plan Overview, Stock Trading Calendar, Stock Portfolio Password Tracker, Stock Trading Daily Log JournalSize: 6 x 9 inches.Length: 120 Pages.Paper: white.100% Quality GuaranteeENJOY 🙂

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Originally posted 2019-12-22 04:25:08. Republished by Blog Post Promoter